| 序号 | 刊名 | 查看目次 |
| 1 | International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management | |
| 2 | Reader's Digest | |
| 3 | Time | |
| 4 | Newsweek | |
| 5 | Deer Spiegel Aufhoren | |
| 6 | Business Week | |
| 7 | Journal of Economic Studies | |
| 8 | The Modern Language Journal | |
| 9 | Applied Linguistics | |
| 10 | Language Testine | |
| 11 | Second Language Research | |
| 12 | Modern Language Review | |
| 13 | Journal of Language and Social Psychology | |
| 14 | Nature | |
| 15 | Science | 
| 16 | 系统工程与电子技术(英文版) | 
| 17 | 应用数学和力学(英文版) | |
| 18 | Applied Mathematics and Computation | |
| 19 | European Journal of Operational Research | |
| 20 | Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science | |
| 21 | Journal of Sound and Vibration | |
| 22 | Optics and Laser Technology | |
| 23 | 理论物理通讯(英文版) | |
| 24 | Chinese Optics Letters | |
| 25 | Journal of Low Frequency Noise,Vibration and Active Control | |
| 26 | Cryobiology | |
| 27 | 生物化学与生物物理学报(英文版) | |
| 28 | 生物数学学报国际版 | |
| 29 | Journal Strain Analysis for Engineering Design | |
| 30 | Materials Today | |
| 31 | Internationnal Journal of Pressure Vesssels and Pinping | |
| 32 | Internationnal Journal of Refrigeration | |
| 33 | Journal of Materials Processing Technology | |
| 34 | Anti-corrosion Methods and Materials | |
| 35 | 銅と銅合金. | |
| 36 | 机械工程学报(英文版) | |
| 37 | IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement | |
| 38 | Microelectronics international | |
| 39 | Kybernetes | |
| 40 | International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer | |
| 41 | Applied Thermal Engineering | |
| 42 | Energy Conversion and Management | |
| 43 | Solar Energy | |
| 44 | FUEL | |
| 45 | IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion | |
| 46 | IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility | |
| 47 | Proceedings of the IEEE | |
| 48 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics | |
| 49 | IEEE Transactions on Reliability | |
| 50 | IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management | |
| 51 | IEEE Industry Applications Magazine | |
| 52 | IEEE Journal of Solid-state Circuits | |
| 53 | IEEE Signal Processin Letters | |
| 54 | IEEE Control Systems Magazine | |
| 55 | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | |
| 56 | IEEE Transactions on Patten Analysis and Machine Intelligence | |
| 57 | IEEE Robotics&Automation Magazine | |
| 58 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A | |
| 59 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B | |
| 60 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C | |
| 61 | IEEE Transactions On Automatic Control | |
| 62 | IEEE Transactions On Control Systems Technology | |
| 63 | IEEE Transactions On Fuzzy Systems | |
| 64 | IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering | |
| 65 | Journal of Semiconductors | |
| 66 | Computers & Chemical Engineering | |
| 67 | Pigment & Resin Technology | |
| 68 | Chemical Engineering and Processing:Process Intensification | |
| 69 | Chemical Engineering Science | |
| 70 | Journal of Food Engineering | |
| 71 | Engineering Construction and Architectural Management | |
| 72 | Aircraft Engineering & Aerospace Technology:An Unternational Joural | |
| 73 | Journal of Mathematical Resarch with Applications | |
| 74 | | |
| 75 | journal of building performance simulation | |
| 76 | building services engineering research & technology | |
| 77 | the journal of ventilation | |
| 78 | indoor and built environment | |
| 79 | energy & environmental science | |
| 80 | Lighting Research & Technology | |
| 81 | Adances in Building Energy Research | |
| 82 | | |
| 83 | | |
| 84 | | |
| 85 | | |
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